This Gift Will 10x Your Leadership Skills For FREE

This Gift Will 10x Your Leadership Skills For FREE

Finally Revealed...

The 9 Effective Power Moves to step into

your Full Potential as a Mid-Life Leader!

(Not knowing these Will leave you behind!)

Finally Revealed...

The 9 Effective Power Moves to step into

your Full Potential

as a Mid-Life Leader!

(Not knowing these Will leave you behind!)

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Access Here!

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How Can The 9 Power Moves

Transform You As A Leader?

  • Develop a holistic well-being focus, optimizing energy, nurturing emotional intelligence, and boosting employee satisfaction

  • Cultivate resilient leadership, fostering adaptability, innovation, and alignment with societal changes

  • Shape a purposeful legacy, redefining success, prioritizing relationships, and enhancing emotional intelligence for effective collaboration

What Exactly Do I Get?

A brief Summary of the 9 Power Moves you will find in this Guide...

  • Power Move 1: Embrace Emotional Intelligence

(Value: $47)

Unlock the energy of suppressed emotions through regular emotional audits, transforming them from tyrants to tools.

  • Power Move 2: Reset Priorities

(Value: $47)

Shift from a relentless pursuit of traditional success to a deliberate life audit, focusing on values, lessons, and personal evolution.

  • Power Move 3: Conduct Energy Audits

(Value: $47)

Recognize energy as life's currency, avoiding the misconception of conserving it for retirement and instead investing in purpose-driven work.

  • Power Move 4: Embrace Recreation

(Value: $47)

Redefine 'recreation' as a means to rejuvenate, align body, mind, and soul, fostering personal evolution and growth.

  • Power Move 5: Move from Reaction to Leadership

(Value: $47)

Identify and balance reactive strategies (intellect, will, charm) to avoid imbalance, fostering proactive, self-authoring, and creative competencies.

  • Power Move 6: Stop "Shoulding" Yourself

(Value: $47)

Break free from societal checklists and external pressures, embracing individual paths and authentic decisions.

  • Power Move 7: Commit to Making Yourself Known

(Value: $47)

Prioritize deep, meaningful connections over a breadth of acquaintances, recognizing the value of vulnerability and trust in leadership.

  • Power Move 8: Go First

(Value: $47)

Initiate personal change before attempting to change external factors, acknowledging that true leadership begins with self-transformation.

  • Power Move 9: Become a Better Human

(Value: $47)

Shift from a focus on managing work to becoming a better human, embodying humane, adaptable leadership and fostering a culture of exceptional collective work.

Total Combined Value: $423

Today you can get Access to the Full Guide with All 9 Power Moves for:


© 2023 Conjunction Leadership | All Rights Reserved

How The 9 Power Moves Can Transform You...

  • Develop a holistic well-being focus, optimizing energy, nurturing emotional intelligence, and boosting employee satisfaction

  • Cultivate resilient leadership, fostering adaptability, innovation, and alignment with societal changes

  • Shape a purposeful legacy, redefining success, prioritizing relationships, and enhancing emotional intelligence for effective collaboration

What Exactly Do I Get?

A brief Summary of the 9 Power Moves explained in this Ebook...

  • Power Move 1:

    Embrace Emotional Intelligence


Unlock the energy of suppressed emotions through regular emotional audits, transforming them from tyrants to tools.

  • Power Move 2:

    Reset Priorities


Shift from a relentless pursuit of traditional success to a deliberate life audit, focusing on values, lessons, and personal evolution.

  • Power Move 3:

    Conduct Energy Audits


Recognize energy as life's currency, avoiding the misconception of conserving it for retirement and instead investing in purpose-driven work.

  • Power Move 4:

    Embrace Recreation


Redefine 'recreation' as a means to rejuvenate, align body, mind, and soul, fostering personal evolution and growth.

  • Power Move 5:

    Move from Reaction to Leadership


Identify and balance reactive strategies (intellect, will, charm) to avoid imbalance, fostering proactive, self-authoring, and creative competencies.

  • Power Move 6:

    Stop "Shoulding" Yourself


Break free from societal checklists and external pressures, embracing individual paths and authentic decisions.

  • Power Move 7:

    Commit to Making Yourself Known


Prioritize deep, meaningful connections over a breadth of acquaintances, recognizing the value of vulnerability and trust in leadership.

  • Power Move 8:

    Go First


Initiate personal change before attempting to change external factors, acknowledging that true leadership begins with self-transformation.

  • Power Move 9:

    Become a Better Human


Shift from a focus on managing work to becoming a better human, embodying humane, adaptable leadership and fostering a culture of exceptional collective work.

Total Combined Value: $423

Today you can get Access

to the Full Guide

with All 9 Power Moves for:



© 2023 Conjunction Leadership | All Rights Reserved